Apples and Oranges – Artists’ Books Fair

Apples and Oranges is an independent artists’ books fair held annually in Limburg and a public programme, exploring publishing as artistic practice. This year, we meet in Genk, where over 35 artists and collectives present their work.

It brings together artists engaging in experimental publishing and features books, prints, zines, scores, and other publications that might fall outside of the traditional distribution circuit.

Publishing, and self-publishing in particular, is often an engine for collaboration, leading to intricate networks of connections and alliances. Inspired by the transformative and political potential of publishing, Apples and Oranges offers not only a distribution opportunity but also an occasion to exchange knowledge and foster new connections.

Apples and Oranges combines the fair with a lively public programme of performances, lectures and conversations, exploring the aristic, political and transformative potential of publishing.

Details about the public program with An Onghena and Jivan van der Ende, Auriane Preud’homme, Clara Amaral, Maartje Fliervoet, Marjolein Guldentops, Melissa Gordon, Niels Poiz, Noam Youngrak Son can be found on Jester’s website.